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Bobok for ensemble (13 instruments) and electroacoustic, 2003, 12mn30;

listen | editor

Date : 2003

Duration : 12.30 mn

Commission : Commande de l’Etat for l’ensemble 2e2m and GRM - Radio France

Editor : Editions Jobert

Nomenclature : for ensemble(13 instr.) and electroacoustic on tape.
flute (aussi piccolo), oboe (aussi cor anglais), clarinet sib. (aussi cl.basse), horn in fa, 2 trumpets, 1 trombone, 2 percussions (with vibraphone, 1 cymbale chinoise, 1 cymb. suspendue, 1 grande plaque vibrante, 1 tamtam, 1 grosse caisse, 2 timbales (grande et petite)), 1 violin, 1 viola, 1 cello, 1 double bass
Electroacoustic produced in the studios of the Ina-GRM / Radio-France and diffused on Acousmonium GRM.

Dédicated to Pascale Criton

Premiere : by l’ensemble instrumental 2e2m, direction Paul Méfano.
15 april 2003, 20h30 à Radio France, Auditorium Olivier Messiaen
Diffusion of the électroacoustic part on the 'Acousmonium du GRM'.
Concert intitulated 'live electronics'

"Bobok, Bobok, Bobok" heard stammer Dostoevsky, from the innermost parts of the earth to his ear, like a stutter which would have left the depth go up to the surface, transforming the landfill movements of matter in lateral movements of slides.
Bobok, written for all 2e2m, was commissioned by the state. This new work for 13 instruments, including woodwinds, brass, percussion and strings actually belongs to a cycle of pieces written for chamber orchestra, cycle after which it is Sinopia (1994) and Aïponis (1998) the third component. Unlike the first two parts, Bobok added to all instumental an electroacoustic device whose materials are developed and finalized in the studios of the INA-GRM. Electroacoustic part will air during the concert on Acousmonium GRM.

Copyright florence Baschet.